Oatmeal Muffins – dailyrecipeshare


You want to know what makes these oatmeal muffins next level? They have a big crumble top. It’s a game changer. Beyond that, the rolled oats in the rich batter make them quite substantial — a distant cousin to typical cake muffins. They’re a bit custard-y when hot, and not-at-all when cooled. Craggy and golden-topped, let’s talk through the details!

side view of oatmeal muffins baking in a muffin tin

Muffin Meets Crumble

The idea was to put a crumble top on a great, decadent, oatmeal muffin. I used the crumble from the Tutti-Frutti Crumble recipe in Super Natural Every Day. The muffins themselves don’t come across as particularly sweet, but you get a nice amount of sweetness from the topping. Overall, I would say, the muffins might classify as lightly-sweetened. If you have more of a sweet tooth, you can certainly add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup to the wet ingredients. Or, even better, stir in some chopped, sweet fruit.

How To Make Oatmeal Muffins

There’s nothing particularly tricky about making these muffins, but there are two main components. The crumble and then the oatmeal muffin batter. You’ll be melting butter for both.

melting butter in a skillet
While the crumble is chilling in the freezer, combine the wet and dry muffin batter ingredients. Stirring just enough to bring it all together.

combining wet ingredients with dry ingredients in a bowl resulting in oatmeal muffin batter
Transfer the muffin batter to muffin tins and top with crumble pieces.
muffin batter in muffin tin before baking
Next, bake until golden and puffy. Remove from the oven, and now (the most important thing)  pop them out of the pan as soon as you can after baking. Let them cool outside the pan on a baking rack. In the pan they steam, and it will impact the texture of the muffins. And not in a good way.
close up of an oatmeal muffin

Oatmeal Muffins: Variations

I kept the recipe here straight forward – rolled oats, yogurt, etc. That said, you can take them in a thousand directions with different spice combinations, or citrus zest, or add-ins like seeds, or berries, or dried fruit. 

  • Apple Season: Kelly notes, “Made these the other day and added 2 grated apples and some cinnamon. WOW – so yummy! My new favourite muffins.”
  • Coconut & Sunflower Seeds: LadyM says, “Awesome… I added some unsalted sunflower seeds, coconut, and raisins. I also used my silicone mini muffin pan and they turned out incredible, just a little bit of crusting around the edges. “
  • Strawberry Magic: Sara mentions, “I didn’t have any plain yogurt (and where I live generally only sells sweetened plain yogurt) so instead I cut the sugar in half and used strawberry yogurt. Came out amazing and tasting lightly of strawberry!”

More Muffin Recipes

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